Organization of tenders for media groups

C2M is recognized for its expertise in helping media groups organize technical tenders, covering such critical areas as the renewal of coding, multiplexing and broadcasting platforms for DTT channels, as well as production, post-production, storage and ingest systems for TV channels


The media industry, in constant technological evolution, requires regular updating of equipment and systems to remain competitive and efficient. C2M helps guide media groups through this strategic technological renewal.

C2M methodology

-Needs Analysis: Interviews with technical departments and users to identify specific requirements.
-Specifications: Drafting of a detailed document defining the required technical specifications.
- Selection criteria: Proposal of objective criteria for evaluating and selecting bids.
- Tender schedule: Definition of a timetable for the various phases, from receipt of bids to final selection.
- Analysis of bids: Receipt and initial technical and economic evaluation of proposals.
- Candidate Hearings: Organization of presentation sessions by candidates, follow-up of reports and requests for new bids.
- Negotiations: Active participation in discussions to refine proposals.
- Synthesis and Recommendations: Preparation of a final report offering an informed opinion on the best options.

Solutions provided

C2M's approach ensures an informed selection based on a thorough understanding of technical and operational requirements, guaranteeing the adoption of optimal solutions for the future.

Progress made

Media Groups can benefit from a technological upgrade tailored to their specific requirements, enabling a significant improvement in broadcast and production quality, while optimizing costs.


C2M stands out for its ability to conduct complex technical tenders, offering media groups added value in the renewal of their infrastructures. Our rigorous methodology and technical expertise guarantee the success of technological investment projects, strengthening our customers' position in a highly competitive sector.

Would you like to delegate the organization of your tender to us?