Change Management

C2M is a expert in assisting companies with structural transformations, aimed at optimizing software development processes and improving customer and team satisfaction.


An industrial customer, with teams based in France, England and Brazil, faced challenges in the development of software products, requiring a re-evaluation of its working methodologies.

Mission objectives

- Understand the current software development process.
- Identify organizational and methodological difficulties.
- Propose change scenarios to improve inter-entity collaboration.
- Industrialize processes by adopting Agile methodology.

C2M methodology

C2M proceeded with an in-depth study of current practices, followed by an analysis of friction points. The introduction of Agile methodology was proposed as the central solution for energizing processes, improving lead-time management, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Changements Apportés

Changes brought about - Smoother exchanges between different entities.
- Standardization of development practices through the Agile method.
- Improved management of deadlines and quality of deliverables.


The transition to an Agile methodology has resulted in greater responsiveness to customer needs, optimization of resources, and a significant improvement in team and end-customer satisfaction. Our change management assignments illustrate our ability to transform our customers' organizational and methodological challenges into opportunities for continuous improvement, affirming our role as a strategic partner for companies seeking to improve their efficiency and competitiveness.

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